by Savitri Devi
Edited by R.G. Fowler
This is the fifteenth chapter of Savitri Devi’s previously unpublished book Forever and Ever.
In transcribing and editing these texts, I have translated the German epigraphs, corrected any spelling and grammatical errors, and “Americanized” and updated the spelling. I have not altered Savitri’s sometimes eccentric capitalization practices. Nor have I altered her punctuation, although I have pruned her sometimes long ellipses down to three dots each. Editorial additions, omissions, and substitutions are indicated with notes. All notes are by the editor.
The photo is of SS Gruppenführer Otto Ohlendorf, 4 February 1907-8 June 1951.
—R. G. Fowler
“‘Die Richter dieses Staates mögen uns ruhig ob unseres damaligen Handelns verurteilen, die Geschichte als Göttin einer höheren Wahrheit und eines besseren Rechtes, sie wird dennoch dereinst dieses Urteil lächelnd zerreißen, um uns alle freizusprechen von Schuld und Fehle.’”
—Mein Kampf1
Full of bitterness of deeds bygone, full of the distant rumblings of the coming storm, six gloomy years had rolled into the past. One could have thought the victors had, at last, renounced their frenzied lure of persecution; that after all the stupid fury that had been released, their lust of murder was appeased. One could have thought that sense of growing danger would incite to reason. One could have thought the men whose treason to their own race had brought about the fall of Thy great Reich, and silenced our conquering war-songs for a time, even if they have not as yet become aware of their delusion, would hesitate before committing their most abominable crime.
And yet, in spite of the outcry of grief and indignation that sprang from every German heart, at the news of the foe’s decision; in spite of restless crowds around the Landsberg prison; in spite of my own pathetic appeal to those who should have had more vision, and all I did to win the right to die in the place of the Seven Heroes, nothing could stop the frightful wheel of Destiny from rolling by.
And one by one out of their cells, they walked calm and upright, knowing they were to meet their doom. And with Thy holy Name and that of Germany upon their lips, and with the love of Thee, always the same, within their hearts, and with the inspired flame of pride within their tearless eyes so bright; with the serenity of duty done, and with the awareness of reconquered power, and of the glory they had won during those six long years of gloom, and of the immortality that now began for them in that atrocious hour, one by one they were hanged—in alphabetic order, first six, then five, then four, then three, then two, and at last one, fearlessly waiting for their turn.
And thus they passed into eternal light, last martyrs of the first phase of the Struggle for freedom and for might, and first ones of its second phase; heralds of Dawn, proclaiming Thy return—whether in spirit only or in flesh also, it matters little—form the midst of our present plight, upon that tragic late-spring night.
* * *
Wherever Thou might be on this earth, or in the radiant Dwellings of heroes ever young and strong and free, my Leader—our Leader—dost Thou know the last part of the story of the seven Martyrs who have loved Thee so? Dost Thou know how they died for Greater Germany to rise out of tomorrow’s war and chaos, and rule the West forever in Thy name? Along the path out of these days of trial, once more to domination and to fame, they walk in spirit at the head of us who have been Thine, and Thine remain.
They walk ahead of us and guide us unfailingly to the one goal: the resurrection of Thy Reich as Thou hast dreamed it: one State, one People, and one Leader; one blood, one heart, one conquering will; one super-human Soul.
No more than the Sixteen blood-witnesses of early days and the Eleven of Nuremberg, whom we revere and praise; no more than all Thy faithful ones, who died for Germany to raise the holy Swastika high above every Sign in space and time, did the exalted Seven give up their lives in vain. They died for us to conquer; for Thee to come again; for Germany to live—and reign.
1 “‘The judges of this state may calmly condemn us for our previous deeds, but History, as goddess of a higher truth and a better justice, will one day smile as she tears up this verdict and acquits of all fault and resonsibility.’” (Mein Kampf, 1939 edition, p. 780)—trans. R.G. Fowler.