Lotte Asmus and Vittorio de Cecco
“La ‘missonaria’ del paganesimo ariano”
[“The ‘Missionary’ of Aryan Paganism”]
Risguardo 4 (1984): 64-70
Padua: Edizioni di Ar, 1984
Sumanta Banerjee
“Memories of My Nazi Maami [Aunt]”
Times of India, 19 April 1999
Shrabani Basu
“The Spy Who Loved Hitler”
From India
Mark Brundsen
“Life is Worship: Savitri Devi’s Son of the Sun”
French translation:
“La vie est un culte : Savitri Devi's Akhenaton, Fils du Soleil”
Henry Durrant
“A la recherche du dernier avatar”
[“In Search of the Last Avatar”]
L’Autre Histoire [Other History], no. 18, vol. 3 (July 2001): 26-35
Koenraad Elst
“The Eternal Return of Nazi Nonsense: Savitri Devi’s Last Writings”
“Het geval Savitri Devi”
The Saffron Swastika: The Notion of “Hindu Fascism”
2 vols.
New Delhi: Voice of India, 2001
See Chapter 5, “Savitri Devi and the ‘Hindu-Aryan Myth’”
“The Strange Case of Savitri Devi”
French translation:
“Le cas étrange de Savitri Devi”
R.G. Fowler
“Woman Against Time: Remembering Savitri Devi’s 100th Birthday”
German translation:
“Die Frau gegen die Zeit: Savitri Devi zur Erinnerung an ihrem 100. Geburtstag”
“Enemy and Exemplar: Savitri Devi on Paul of Tarsus”
German translation:
“Feind und Vorbild - Savitri Devi über Paulus von Tarsos ”
French translation:
“Ennemi et exemplaire: Paul de Tarse vu par Savitri Devi.”
“A Lost Poem by Savitri Devi?”
Muriel Gantry
“Curriculum Vitae of Muriel Gantry”
19 April 1995
Unpublished manuscript
German translation:
“Walhalla, nicht Elysium: Meine Freundschaft mit Savitri Devi”
[“Valhalla, not Elysium: My Friendship with Savitri Devi”]
Excerpt from “Curriculum Vitae of Muriel Gantry”
Ed. and trans. D.A.R. Sokoll
100 Jahre Savitri Devi
Junges Forum, no. 5 (Fall 2005): 24-47
Straelen, Germany: Regin-Verlag, 2005
“The Last Days of Savitri Devi”
A Selection from her Correspondence
Edited by R.G. Fowler
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity
New York: New York University Press, 2002
See Chapter 5, “Savitri Devi and the Hitler Avatar”
Greg Johnson
“Savitri Devi’s Communist Nephews”
German translation:
“Savitri Devis kommunistiche Neffen”
Trans. D.A.R. Sokoll
100 Jahre Savitri Devi
Junges Forum, no. 5 (Fall 2005): 64-76
Straelen, Germany: Regin-Verlag, 2005
Jeffrey Kaplan
“Savitri Devi and the National Socialist Religion of Nature”
The Pomegranate:
A New Journal of Developmental Neopagan Studies, no. 7 (1999)
French translation:
“Savitri Devi et la religion nationale-socialiste de la Nature”
Ernesto Milá
“L’Apport de Savitri Devi”
[“The Contribution of Savitri Devi”]
In his Nazisme et ésotérisme [Nazism and Esotericism]
Paris: Pardčs, 1990
Dominic Montserrat
Akhenaten: History, Fantasy and Ancient Egypt
New York: Routledge, 2000
See pages 111-13
Алексей Пименов
Aleksey Pimenov
“Валгалла переезжает в Арлингтон”
[“Valhalla Moves To Arlington”]
Столичные новости No. 17 (213) 14-20 мая 2002
[Capitol News (Kiev, Ukraine), No. 17 (213), May 14-20, 2002]
Georg Schrader
“Erinnerungen an Savitri Devi”
[“Recollections of Savitri Devi”]
100 Jahre Savitri Devi
Ed. D.A.R. Sokoll
Junges Forum, no. 5 (Fall 2005): 49-63
Straelen, Germany: Regin-Verlag, 2005
Rüdiger Sünner
Schwarze Sonne: Entfesselung und Missbrauch der Mythen in Nationalsozialismus und
rechter Esoterik
[Black Sun: The Use and Abuse of Myth in National Socialism and Right-Wing Esotericism]
Freiburg: Herder, 2001
See pages 155-64.
and Victoria Trimondi
Hitler-Buddha-Krishna: Eine unheilige Allianz vom Dritten Reich bis heute
[Hitler-Buddha-Krishna: An Unholy Alliance from the Third Reich to Today]
Vienna: Überreuter, 2002