The Savitri Devi Archive would be grateful to hear from anyone who has information about Savitri Devi, including:
- Recollections of Savitri in written or recorded form;
- Letters to and from Savitri (originals or copies);
- Paintings and drawings by Savitri (originals or copies);
- Photographs of Savitri and her friends (originals or copies);
- Writings by Savitri Devi/Maximine Portaz and printed or taped interviews (originals or copies — see list below);
- Information about Savitri’s friends and associates or their heirs (see list below);
- Copies of writings about Savitri that are not listed on our Literature page;
- Documentation of Savitri’s life from archives, libraries, newspapers, etc. (see list below);
- Information about individuals in Savitri’s photo album and transcriptions and translations of photo inscriptions
Surprises: We cannot ask for something if we do not know of its existence. We certainly hope to be surprised to learn of previously unknown writings and interviews by Savitri Devi/Maximine Portaz, previously unknown friends and associates, and so forth.
The Archive will pay all expenses associated with collecting such documentation.
A Warning to the Hindus
(Calcutta: Hindu Mission, 1939)
1. First edition
2. Hindi translation
3. Bengali translation
4. Marathi translation
5-7. Translations into three other Indian languages (not specified in our sources)
A Perfect Man:
Akhnaton, King of Egypt
(circa 1940-42)
This work, written and published between 1940-42 is listed in the front of Joy of the Sun (1942) as having been published. No publication information is available, although the book was probably published in India, if it was published at all.
Gold in the Furnace
(Calcutta: A.K. Mukherji, 1952)
Spanish translation: Oro en el Crisol: Vivencia en la postguerra Alemania. Un homenage de Alemania. Trans. Ramiro R.B. (from the German translation by Lotte Asmus). Spain: Diffussion Eneese, 1995. (We are looking for a printed edition.)
Paul de Tarse, ou Christianisme et Juiverie
[Paul of Tarsus, or Christianity and Jewry]
(Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1958)
Italian translation: “Cristianesimo e Giudaismo (Paolo di Tarso),” trans. Wittekind, Arya, no. 5 (January 1981).
Dutch translation: Paulus van Tarsus, en Christendom en Jodendom. Pamphlet. No publication information available.
Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne
[Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman]
(Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1976)
Spanish translation: Recuerdos y reflexiones de una Aria. Trans. S.G.M. Madrid: Diffussion Eneese, 1979. (We are looking for a printed edition.)
Le national-socialisme et la tradition indienne. Dublin: Avatar Editions, 2004. (Ch. 10, “L’ésotérisme hitlérien et la Tradition” [“Hitlerian Esotericism and the Tradition” plus a French translation of “Hitlerism and Hindudom.”)
Unpublished Books
Ironies et paradoxes dans l’histoire et la légende
[Ironies and Paradoxes in History and Legend]
Begun in 1979, Chapter 1, “History and Legend,” completed and chapter 2, “The Lies of History” half-completed as of Novem¬ber 1979. Project then abandoned due to Savitri’s deteriorating eyesight. The fate of the manuscript is unknown.
- Article on Shintoism, The Eastern Economist, circa 1938-1941.
- Article on the Divine Wind of Ise, The Eastern Economist, circa 1938-1941.
- Article on Shintoism, New Asia, 1941.
- Article attacking Christianity in an Indian newspaper, 1945.
- “Why Do They Hate Us So?,” unpublished 1963 article for first issue of National Socialist World.
- “Commander Rockwell as I Knew Him,” unpublished 1967 memoir in honor of the slain George Lincoln Rockwell.
- “Three Superstitions: Progress, Happiness, and ‘Man’,” unpublished 1980 article for White Power or The National Socialist.
- German Interview, 1981 or 1982 (ninety-minute interview recorded during one of Savitri’s last visits to Germany)
- German interview printed in unknown publication in 1981 or 1982.
- French interviews, 1982 (recorded in April of 1982 during Savitri’s stay at an old-women’s home near Lyons).
In the late 1930s and early 1940s, Savitri Devi made translations (probably into English, but possibly also into Hindi and Bengali of literature of interest to the Hindu Mission).
Works Of A.K. Mukherji
Asit Mukerji [sic]
Pakistan Puts the Clock Back
Calcutta: Uttarayan Limited, 1950
(Identified as “Ph.D. [Lond.]”)
A.K. Mukherji
(or some variation thereof)
“A Study of British Diplomacy in Central Asia”
Ph.D. Dissertation. London University. Date unknown
A.K. Mukherji, Editor
(Bengali literary and political periodical. Early 1930s)
(Bengali children’s periodical. Early 1930s)
The New Mercury
(Pro-Axis periodical. 1935-1937)
The Eastern Economist
(Pro-Japanese periodical. 1938-1941)
Individuals Savitri Devi Knew
(Friends, Associates, Acquaintances, Enemies)
Einar Åberg
Robert Ambelain
Kiki Arvanitakis
Lotte Asmus
Simone Bacqué
Maurice Bardèche
Olga von Barényi
Jacques Benoist-Méchin
Heinrich Blume
Friedrich Borth
Hertha Bothe
André Brissaud
Amiya Chakravarty
Subhas Chandra Bose
Cornelius Castoriadis
Vittorio de Cecco
Leon Degrelle
Françoise Dior
Hertha Ehlert
Hans Elbing
Rev. Ralph Forbes
Uwe Grave
Muriel Gantry
Ram Gopal
Walter Grün
Mr. and Mrs. Hatch
(British occupation official and wife in the Rhineland)
Sven Hedin
Aldous Huxley
Yves Jeanne
Joe and Freda Jones
Colin Jordan
Marika Kalocrikoa
Marika Kaloyeriku
Matt Koehl
Gerhard Lauck
Johann and Gesine von Leers
Harry May
Marianne Meinecke
The Widow and Children of Otto Ohlendorf
Revilo P. Oliver
William Pierce
Franz Pfeiffer
Count Potocki of Montalk
George Lincoln Rockwell
Crystal Rogers
K. Honor Rowan
(M.A. Cambridge)
Saint Loup (Marc Augier)
Mrs. Saint Ruth
(East Horsley, near London)
Mahmoud Saleh
Swami Satyananda
Miguel Serrano
Marianne Singer
Otto Skorzeny
Opal Soltau
Jacques and Georgette Soustelle
Gerda Strasdadt
Rabindranath Tagore
Miss Taylor
(British occupation official in Rhineland)
John Tyndall
Katja U.
Veronica Vassar
Marika Velodiou
Colonel Vickers
(British Commander of Werl Prison in 1949)
Gerhard Wassner
Elwyn Wright
Individuals Savitri Devi May Have Known
Julius Evola
Alain Danielou
Virgil Gheorghiu
René Guénon
Jean Parvulesco
William Gayley Simpson
Events For Which Documentation May Still Exist
Studies at Shantiniketan, 1935
Teaching at Jallundhar College, early 1936
Speeches on behalf of the Hindu Nationalist Movement, 1936 or 1937-45
A.K. Mukherji’s studies at London University (late 1920s or early 1930s)
A.K. Mukherji’s travels in the USSR (late 1920s or early 1930s)
A.K. Mukherji’s work on behalf of Japan (1938-1945)
Savitri Devi and A.K. Mukherji’s connections to Subhas Chandra Bose (1936 or 1937-45)
Lectures on Akhnaton in London, 1946
Sojourn in Iceland, 1946-47 and subsequent contacts with Icelandic National Socialists
Lectures for Theosophical Society in Iceland, 1946-47
Visits to Sweden in 1940s, 50s, and 60s in National Socialist contacts there
Trial in Düsseldorf, 1949
The German police’s seizure of the manuscript of Pilgrimage in Emsdetten on 16 January 1954 and its return about one year later
Lectures for the Musée Guimet
Troubles with LICA (Ligue internationale contre l'Antisémitisme) while teaching at Saint Etienne (1964) and Firminy (1966)
Of Particular Interest
Any information on Savitri’s travels, life, friends, and associates in Greece, 1923-35, 1953, 1961, 1969-70