By Savitri Devi
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Edited by R. G. Fowler
A new edition of 200 numbered, clothbound copies published by the Savitri Devi Archive
Russian Translation!
Время Кали
(Kali Yuga - an anthology of Savitri Devi’s writings, including excerpts from The Lightning and the Sun, Gold in the Furnace, Pilgrimage, and Souvenirs)
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Greek Translation!
Η κόρη του ήλιου
(Daughter of the Sun - an anthology of Savitri Devi’s writings, including excerpts from The Lightning and the Sun, Pilgrimage, A Son of God/Son of the Sun, Impeachment of Man, and A Warning to the Hindus)
Available from
Sold Out!
Edited by R. G. Fowler
A new edition of 200 numbered, clothbound copies published by the Savitri Devi Archive
(Chapters 1-6 of Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne [Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman] in Spanish)
No Longer Available
(Chapter 10 of Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne, “L’ésotérisme hitlérien et la Tradition” [“Hitlerian Esotericism and the Tradition.”] and other texts)
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(Chapter 10 of Souvenirs et réflexions d'une Aryenne, “L’ésotérisme hitlérien et la Tradition” [“Hitlerian Esotericism and the Tradition”] in Italian)
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(The other texts are “Shinto, la voie des dieux” and “Après le déluge—nous!”)
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About Savitri Devi
Junges forum Nr. 5:
100 Jahre Savitri Devi
Authors: D. A. R. Sokoll (Hrsg.), Savitri Devi, G. Schrader, M. Gantry; Greg Johnson
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by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
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by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
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by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
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Contains article on Savitri by Henry Durrant “A la recherche du dernier avatar”
[“In Search of the Last Avatar”]
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