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News Archive: 2009, 2008, 2006

23 December 2007

Les Indiens non-hindous et l'unité indienne:
The Non-Hindu Indians and Indian Unity
translated into French!

We are delighted to announce that a French translation of The Non-Hindu Indians and Indian Unity has just been published. We are also pleased to note that some of the illustrations in this handsomely designed volume come from the Archive. Please buy a copy to support the publisher and encourage further translations of Savitri’s works. We recommend www.Librad.com as a particularly reliable bookseller.


9 November 2007

Savitri Devi’s commemoration of the 9th of November 1923

Plus PDF versions of the poem’s original typescripts: Typescript A and Typescript B.


10 October 2007

Recommended Reading: The Occidental Observer

The Occidental Observer is a new web magazine produced by many of the same people who have brought us The Occidental Quarterly, chief among them the brilliant Kevin MacDonald.


8 October 2007

Recommended Reading: The Occidental Quarterly

Now in its seventh volume, and comprising 23 issues and more than 2,000 pages, The Occidental Quarterly is a remarkable publication devoted to the development of a racialist, eugenicist, nationalist defense of the White race and Western civilization. TOQ has published such writers as Samuel Francis, Alain de Benoist, Kevin MacDonald, Richard Lynn, J. Philippe Rushton, Jared Taylor, Enoch Powell, Charles Lindbergh, Michael O'Meara, Richard McCulloch, Robert Griffin, James C. Russell, Andew Fraser, and Tomislav Sunic. It has included articles, interviews, and reviews on such topics as the Jewish question, Zionism, neoconservatism, the Frankfurt School, racial differences, egalitarianism, aristocracy, eugenics, feminism, education, the psychology of White ethnocentrism, the unique qualities of Western civilization, the Indo-Europeans, and neo-paganism, as well as such interesting figures as Nietzsche, Julius Evola, Anthony M. Ludovici, William Gayley Simpson, and William Pierce. TOQ is a remarkably broad and well-rounded publication, and I suspect it would have appealed to a well-rounded thinker like Savitri Devi, whose interests embraced science and spirituality, philosophical speculation and practical politics. We heartily recommend it to those who share her interests and aspire to her breadth. Please support their important work with your subscription, and tell them that Savitri Devi (well, at least her Archive) sent you!


7 October 2007

Hart wie Kruppstahl, Table of Contents

Here is the PDF file of the Table of Contents of Savitri Devi’s unpublished German-language book Hart wie Kruppstahl (Hard as Steel). This version of the Table of Contents includes Savitris hand-written English translation at the foot of the page. Savitri sent this version to George Lincoln Rockwell along with a letter (PDF) dated 20 October 1963 and her translation of extracts from the books Epilogue into English as: “After the Deluge—We!” (PDF). This HTML transcription has been slightly corrected.


6 October 2007

Tyrtée l’Athenien, Chapter 3, fragment

Here is the PDF file of Chapter 3, « L’epreuve » (“The Crucible”), of the typescript of Savitri Devi’s unpublished French-language novel Tyrtée l’Athenien (Tyrtaios the Athenian). Unfortunately, only the first eight pages are present in the typescript in Archive’s collection. Another typescript is extant in France, but we do not know how many pages it comprises or if it is complete. We will place PDF files of this typescript online when and if it becomes available.


5 October 2007

Tyrtée l’Athenien, Chapter 2

Here is the PDF file of Chapter 2, « La reponse du Dieu » (“The Response of God”), of the typescript of Savitri Devi’s unpublished French-language novel Tyrtée l’Athenien (Tyrtaios the Athenian).


4 October 2007

Tyrtée l’Athenien, Chapter 1

Here is the PDF file of Chapter 1, « L’offrande totale » (“The Total Sacrifice”), of the typescript of Savitri Devi’s unpublished French-language novel Tyrtée l’Athenien (Tyrtaios the Athenian).


3 October 2007

Hart wie Kruppstahl, Chapter 2

Here is the PDF file of Chapter 2 („Nicht ‘Menschheit,’ sondern göttliche Elite“— “Not ‘Humanity,’ but Godlike Elite”) of the typescript of Savitri Devi’s unpublished German-language book Hart wie Kruppstahl (Hard as Steel).


2 October 2007

Hart wie Kruppstahl, Chapter 1

Here is the PDF file of Chapter 1 („Nicht ‘Glück,’ sondern Pflicht“—“Not ‘Happiness,’ but Duty”) of the typescript of Savitri Devi’s unpublished German-language book Hart wie Kruppstahl (Hard as Steel).


30 September 2007

Today is Savitri Devi’s 102nd Birthday.


25 September 2007

Exciting News

The Archive has just received photocopies of the Foreword and Chapters 1 and 2 of the typescript of Savitri Devi’s unpublished German-language book Hart wie Kruppstahl (Hard as Steel). The Archive will place online PDF files of each chapter as we receive it.


24 September 2007

Savitri Devi’s Defiance

The release date of the Savitri Devi Archive’s deluxe, hardcover edition of 200 numbered copies of Savitri Devi’s Defiance has been pushed back from 30 September 2007 to 20 December 2007.


6 September 2007

New Translation

Raising False Consciousness,” Savitri Devi’s own translation of an excerpt from chapter 2 of Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne.


4 September 2007

New Text on Saint-Loup by Arjuna

« Saint-Loup et l’Hyperborée » (“Saint-Loup and Hyperborea”)


3 September 2007

New Text from Saint-Loup

« Vers une Europe des ‘patries charnelles’? » (“Towards a Europe of ‘Carnal Fatherlands’?”)


2 September 2007

New Translation

A collection of quotes on Hitler by Savitri’s friend Jacques Benoist-Méchin, the celebrated French military historian and biographer: “Hitler vu par Benoist-Méchin/Hitler as Seen by Benoist-Méchin.” Edited by Arjuna, translated by R. G. Fowler.


1 September 2007

New Translation

Savitri Devi’s “Propagandaeinsätze in Deutschland, 1948-49,” Chapter 1, part 11 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


31 August 2007

New Translation

Savitri Devi’s “Island, 1946-47,” Chapter 1, part 10 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


30 August 2007

Exciting News

The Archive has just received, from a close friend of Savitri in France, another typescript of Savitri’s book of prose poems, Forever and Ever. The new typescript, which we shall call Typescript A, is apparently the first typed draft, with many handwritten corrections. Almost exactly one year ago, the Archive received what we shall call Typescript B: a “fair copy” retyped from Typescript A, incorporating its handwritten corrections and other revisions. We were very excited, thus we somewhat hastily announced that Forever and Ever would be the next volume in the Centennial Edition of Savitri Devi’s Works.

But when we set to work transcribing Typecript B, we discovered a number of places where the text simply made no sense. We conjectured that, at these points, lines were omitted when the typescript was prepared from an earlier draft. We now know this conjecture to be correct. Now that we have Typescript A, we can fill in the gaps in Typescript B and bring the book to completion.

We will publish Forever and Ever after our forthcoming edition of Defiance. In our edition of Gold in the Furnace, we listed Forever and Ever as volume 3 of the Centennial Edition. There is no reason to change that designation, even though it will be published after Defiance, which will be designated volume 4.


19 August 2007

New Translation

Savitri Devi’s “Rückkehr nach Europa, 1945-46,” Chapter 1, part 9 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


15 August 2007

New Translation:
“The Two Great Modern Movements and the Tradition”

We are pleased to publish Savitri Devi’s “The Two Great Modern Movements and the Tradition,” Chapter 8 of Souvenirs et réflexions d'une Aryenne (Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman), translated by R. G. Fowler, with thanks to Arjuna.


14 August 2007

New Translation

Savitri Devi’s “Zweiter Weltkrieg, 1939-45,” Chapter 1, part 8 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


13 August 2007

New Translation

Savitri Devi’s “Connaître le futur,” Chapter 4, part 3 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into French by Arjuna.


12 August 2007

New Translation

Savitri Devi’s “Asit Krishna Mukherji,” Chapter 1, part 7 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


6 August 2007

Now Available in Paperback!

Gold in the Furnace: Experiences in Post-War Germany

Edited by R. G. Fowler


5 August 2007

New Translation:
“History, Action, and the Timeless”

We are pleased to publish Savitri Devi’s “History, Action, and the Timeless,” Chapter 5 of Souvenirs et réflexions d'une Aryenne (Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman), translated by R. G. Fowler, with thanks to Arjuna.


2 August 2007

A Tribute to Savitri Devi?

Savitri Devi is featured on the cover of a “military-industrial-martial-noise” music CD entitled “Sol y Sangre” (Sun and Blood) by an artist or artists from Kazakhstan called Руки Нахъ. We would appreciate any additional information our Russian-language readers can gather.


29 July 2007

New Translation

For our readers of Norwegian, R. G. Fowler’s “Woman Against Time,” has been translated into Norwegian by an anonymous friend of the Archive.


28 July 2007

New Translation

Savitri Devi’s “India,” Chapter 1, part 6 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


27 July 2007

New Translation

Savitri Devi’s “The Discovery of National Socialism,” Chapter 1, part 5 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


26 July 2007

New Translation

Savitri Devi’s “Education,” Chapter 1, part 4 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


25 July 2007

New Translations

Savitri Devi’s “Greek Nationalism” and “Four Wars,” Chapter 1, parts 2-3 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


24 July 2007

For Our Greek Readers

An article on Savitri in Greek. Special thanks to Professor M. D. for bringing it to our attention.


23 July 2007

New Translation

Savitri Devi’s “Early Recollections,” Chapter 1, part 1 of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


22 July 2007

New Translation

R. G. Fowler’s Editor’s Preface to Savitri Devi’s And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann. Click here for the Acknowledgements in German.


13 July 2007

Two More Rare Publications by Savitri Devi for Sale

A bookseller has just listed two more rare titles by Savitri:

1. The Lightning and the Sun (first edition, in paperback) Sold!
2. Pilgrimage (first and only edition, in paperback) Sold!


9 July 2007

Irminsul’s Racial Nationalist Library back online

The Racial Nationalist Library has an excellent selection of Savitri Devi texts, and a wide selection of other White Nationalist writings. The library disappeared for a while, and we are pleased to discover that it is back online.


8 July 2007

New Translation

Chapter 3 of Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace (Gold im Schmelztiegel) translated into German by Lotte Asmus, ed. and revised by Wilhelm Hartmann.


4 July 2007

Four Rare Publications by Savitri Devi for Sale

A bookseller has just listed four rare titles by Savitri:

1. .Paul de Tarse (first edition) Sold!
2. Akhnaton's Eternal Message Sold!
3. A Son of God: The Life and Philosophy of Akhnaton, King of Egypt (first edition of Son of the Sun) Sold!
4. Souvenirs et réflexions d'une Aryenne (one of the hardcover edition of 100 copies) Sold!


3 July 2007

New Translation

Chapter 2 of Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace (Gold im Schmelztiegel) translated into German by Lotte Asmus, ed. and revised by Wilhelm Hartmann.


2 July 2007

New Translation

Chapter 1 of Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace (Gold im Schmelztigel) translated into German by Lotte Asmus, ed. and revised by Wilhelm Hartmann.


30 June 2007

Our Most Popular Articles

For several months running, the following articles have been our most widely read:

1. “Incurable Decadence” (ch. 11 of Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne [Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman], translated into English)
2. “Le dernier homme contre le temps” (“The Last Man Against Time,” an excerpt from The Lightning and the Sun translated into French)
3. “The Religion of the Strong” (ch. 1 of Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne, translated into English)
4. “The Last Days of Savitri Devi,” by Muriel Gantry

Naturally, we are interested to know why these articles in particular have attracted such sustained interest. Please contact the Archivist if you can shed some light on this.


29 June 2007

New Translations

The Foreword and Introduction of Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace (Gold im Schmelztiegel) translated into German by Lotte Asmus, ed. and revised by Wilhelm Hartmann.


9 June 2007

New to the Archive:
“After the Deluge—We!”


8 June 2007

New to the Archive:
“Lotuses on the Surface”

Blue Lotus


7 June 2007

New to the Archive:
“Hitlerism and Hindudom”


6 June 2007

New to the Archive:
“Les rochers du soleil”

We are pleased to publish a French translation of “The Rocks of the Sun,” an excerpt from Chapter 9 of Savitri Devi’s Pilgrimage edited by Irmin.


5 June 2007

New to the Archive:
“The Rocks of the Sun”

We are pleased to publish “The Rocks of the Sun,” an excerpt from Chapter 9 of Savitri Devi’s Pilgrimage edited by Irmin. Now that Irminsul’s Racial Nationalist Library seems to have disappeared, we will republish all of its Savitri Devi-related materials through the Archive.


20 May 2007

Savitri Devi and the Archive mentioned on Traditionalists blog


19 May 2007

New to the Archive:
“Jewish Intolerance”

We are pleased to publish “Jewish Intolerance,” an excerpt from “Anthropocentrism and Intolerance,” Chapter 3 of Savitri Devi’s Souvenirs et réflexions d'une Aryenne (Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman), edited and translated by Irmin Vinson.


17 May 2007

New to the Archive:
“Hitlerian Esotericism and the Tradition”

We are pleased to publish a revised and corrected translation of Savitri Devi’s “Hitlerian Esotericism and the Tradition,” Chapter 10 of Souvenirs et réflexions d'une Aryenne (Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman), translated by R. G. Fowler.


16 May 2007

New Translation:
“The Overthrow of Anthropocentric Values”

We are pleased to publish Savitri Devi’s “The Overthrow of Anthropocentric Values,” Chapter 9 of Souvenirs et réflexions d'une Aryenne (Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman), translated by R. G. Fowler.


14 May 2007

New Book of Interest

Integral Tradition Publishing has just published a handsome English translation of Julius Evola's Metaphysics of War. We urge all our readers to support their worthy efforts by buying this book.


9 May 2007

New Translation:
“Contempt of the Average Man”

We are pleased to publish Savitri Devi’s “Contempt of the Average Man,” Chapter 4 of Souvenirs et réflexions d'une Aryenne (Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman), translated by R. G. Fowler.


1 May 2007

Communications Problems

We have been unable to reply to several people, most of them in the UK, who have inquired about our new edition of Defiance, because all attempts to reply have been refused as “spam.” If you have not heard back from us, please check your spam settings and make sure that you can receive mail from our web domain.


1 May 2007

The Day After

“In Memory of May 1st, 1945,” a poem by Clara Sharland


30 April 2007

Savitri Devi on the Death of Adolf Hitler

1. “The Death of Adolf Hitler,” excerpted by Irmin from William Pierce’s abridgement of The Lightning and the Sun
2. “Smrt Adolfa Hitlera,” a translation of the same text into Serbian by A.M.


28 April 2007

New Savitri Devi Book!

The Savitri Devi Archive is pleased to announce a pre-publication offering of Savitri Devi’s Defiance in a deluxe, hardcover edition of 200 numbered copies.


22 April 2007

Earth Day Special:
Savitri Devi’s National Socialist Ecological Vision

22 April is Earth Day, and apropos of the occasion, we wish to share Savitri Devi’s vision of an ecologically ideal world: “Race, Economics, and Kindness: The Ideal World,” Chapter 11 of Impeachment of Man (Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1959).


20 April 2007

Savitri Devi on the Birth of Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889. Savitri Devi discusses the historical circumstances of his birth and her unique interpretation of its cosmic significance in “The Late-Born Child of Light,” Chapter 12 of The Lightning and the Sun (Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1958).


9 April 2007

The Book that Might Have Been

Savitri Devi on her last, uncompleted, now lost book Ironies and Paradoxes in History and Legend.


8 April 2007

The Savitri Devi Archive is one year old!

We wish to thank the 10,224+ unique visitors who have visited us over the past year.


8 April 2007

Vorwort und „Der leere Zug “

Foreword and Chapter 1, “The Empty Train,” of Savitri Devis Defiance (Trotz) translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


7 April 2007

Introduction de L’Or dans la fournaise

The Introduction to Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace translated into French.

A few copies of the new limited hardcover edition of Gold in the Furnace are still available. Order yours today.


6 April 2007

« Bref jours de gloire »

“Brief Days of Glory,” Chapter 2 of Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace translated into French.

A few copies of the new limited hardcover edition of Gold in the Furnace are still available. Order yours today.


30 March 2007

„Mit dem Gesicht zu den Sternen“

“Face to the Stars,” Chapter 15 (the Epilogue) of Savitri Devis Long-Whiskers and the Two-Legged Goddess translated into German by Wilhelm Hartmann.


27 March 2007

Call for Papers:
A collection of essays on Savitri Devi is now being prepared.

The rapidly growing interest in Savitri Devi’s life and work in recent years is leading to a more intensive examination of this still widely underestimated philosopher.

At the end of 2007, Regin-Verlag in Germany will publish a German-language anthology that will contain a number of hitherto unpublished scholarly essays on Savitri Devi. The focus will be on her writings and thought, although her biography will also be covered.

The anthology’s contributions will, among others, deal with such topics as Savitri’s place in philosophy; important thinkers and texts that influenced her thought; her understanding of the pharaoh Akhnaton; her love of animals and nature and her pioneering role in the deep-ecology movement; new research on Savitri’s travels in India in the 1930s; and Savitri’s ambivalent relationship with Islam; etc.

Authors and researchers who might like to participate in this project are kindly asked to contact the editor of the anthology via the Archivist of the Savitri Devi Archive. Finished, hitherto unpublished texts on Savitri in German, French, or English can be forwarded to the editor directly. All contributions will be translated into German before publication.

* * *

L’intérêt croissant rapidement pour la vie et l’œuvre de Savitri Devi dans les années récentes conduit à un examen plus attentif de cette philosophe encore largement sous-estimée.

A la fin de 2007, Regin-Verlag, en Allemagne, publiera une anthologie en langue allemande qui contiendra un grand nombre d’essais érudits, jusqu’ici non publiés, sur Savitri Devi. L’accent sera mis sur ses écrits et sa pensée, bien que sa biographie sera aussi couverte.

Les contributions de l’anthologie traiteront, entre autres, de sujets comme la place de Savitri dans la philosophie ; les penseurs et les textes importants qui ont influencé sa pensée ; sa compréhension du pharaon Akhenaton ; son amour des animaux et de la nature et son rôle pionnier dans le mouvement de l’écologie profonde ; les nouvelles recherches sur les voyages de Savitri en Inde dans les années 1930 ; la relation ambivalente de Savitri avec l’islam ; etc.

Les auteurs et chercheurs qui voudraient participer à ce projet sont aimablement invités à contacter l’éditeur de l’anthologie, ou bien en passant par l’archiviste des Archives Savitri Devi. Les textes terminés et jusqu’ici non-publiés sur Savitri en allemand, français ou anglais peuvent être transmis directement à l’éditeur. Toutes les contributions seront traduites en allemand avant publication.

* * *

Das rasant gewachsene Interesse am Leben und Werk Savitri Devis hat in den jüngsten Jahren und Monaten zur intensiveren Beschäftigung mit dieser immer noch unterschätzten Philosophin geführt.

Ende 2007 wird im Regin-Verlag eine deutschsprachige Anthologie veröffentlicht werden, die zahlreiche bislang unveröffentlichte wissenschaftliche Aufsätze über Savitri Devi enthalten soll. Im Zentrum der Betrachtung steht das schriftstellerische und denkerische Werk der Philosophin, allerdings wird auch ihre Biographie gestreift werden.

Die Anthologiebeiträge werden u. a. Savitris Bedeutung als Philosophin des 20. Jahrhunderts behandeln; wichtige Einflüsse und Texte, die ihr Denken geprägt haben, aufzeigen; Savitris Echnaton-Bild untersuchen; den Tierschutzgedanken in ihrem Werk herausstellen und ihre Vorreiterrolle in der „grünen“ Bewegung untersuchen; neueste Forschungsergebnisse über Savitris Indienaufenthalt in den 1930er Jahren vorstellen; sich Savitris ambivalentem Verhältnis zum Islam widmen etc.

Autoren und Forscher, die Beiträge zur Anthologie beisteuern möchten, werden gebeten, sich so bald wie möglich über den Archivar des Savitri-Devi-Archivs mit dem Herausgeber der Anthologie in Verbindung zu setzen. Fertige, bislang unveröffentlichte Texte über Savitri in deutscher, französischer und englischer Sprache können dem Herausgeber unmittelbar zugesandt werden. Die Veröffentlichung aller Beiträge in der Anthologie erfolgt auf Deutsch.


13 March 2007

Der Lotosteich:
Savitri Devi’s L’Etang aux Lotus (The Lotus Pond) translated into German

On Monday, 12 March 2007 the Archive received from Regin Verlag a copy of their new German translation of L’Etang aux Lotus. It is an attractively-designed and very well-manufactued hardcover book with a beautiful dustjacket. It belongs in the library of every admirer of Savitri Devi. Even if you do not read German, please purchase a copy to support this worthy enterprise.


12 March 2007

The Savitri Diva Project Update

We have created a separate Savitri Diva Project page, which we will update as new artists join our roster. So far, David E. Williams, Jerome Deppe, The Lindbergh Baby, Et moi, and The Analog Music Project have come on board, and we are discussing the project with five other artists. Please feel free to forward the link to artists who may be interested and to post our announcement on other websites. If you wish to participate, or if you have any suggestions, please contact the Archivist.


2 March 2007

The Savitri Diva Project

“Modern music gets on my nerves.”—Savitri Devi

Savitri Devi confessed to not being particularly musical. She never owned a radio or a phonograph, and she seldom if ever had the money or opportunity to attend concerts or the opera.

Apparently she did, however, have some opportunities to listen to and appreciate classical music, whether live, in broadcasts, or on records. Perhaps she did so when visiting friends. The two composers Savitri mentioned appreciating are Bach and Wagner (specifically the latter’s Ring cycle), and she also praised the conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler.

According to one of Savitri’s Greek friends, she also loved Greek folk music. And, of course, Savitri loved and committed to memory most of the songs of the National Socialist Movement.

Like many of her generation and convictions, Savitri had no patience for jazz, rock, or other contemporary forms of music. Nevertheless, Savitri has inspired musical compositions, such as Current 93’s “Hitler as Kalki (SDM [Savitri Devi Mukherji]),” Changes’ “Mahabharata of the Soul,” and Scorpion Wind’s “Paradise of Perfection” (which uses words from The Lightning and the Sun), among others.

To commemorate Savitri Devi’s 102nd birthday, which falls on 30 September 2007, the Savitri Devi Archive will release a CD of musical compositions and other recordings. For convenience, we are dubbing this “The Savitri Diva Project.” (“Diva” like “devi” means “goddess” and has the same Indo-European root.)

The contents can take a variety of forms, including, but not confined to:

  1. Recordings of Savitri Devi singing bits of “Es zittern die morschen Knochen,” “Deutschland Erwache,” and “Wir sind die Sturmkolonnen,” and reciting her poem “1953.” (The recitation could be set to music.)
  2. Recordings of Savitri Devi speaking. (We have many hours of Savitri speaking in English, German, and French.)
  3. Instrumental compositions inspired by Savitri Devi.
  4. Songs setting words of Savitri Devi’s or inspired by her life and ideas.
  5. It might also be appropriate to set words by authors Savitri admired, such as Nietzsche, Leconte de Lisle, Wulf Sörensen (whom she mistakenly identified as Heinrich Himmler), Akhnaton’s Hymns to the Sun, and even Hindu scriptures, such as her favorite passages from the Bhagavad-Gita or the descriptions of the Kali Yuga from various Puranas.

The Archive will make available copies of Savitri’s texts and recordings to artists interested in participating.

The CD will also feature original artwork and the booklet will contain an essay by R. G. Fowler and several previously unpublished color photographs of Savitri and her friends and comrades.

If feasible, we will also include the entire contents of the Savitri Devi Archive on each disc.

Any proceeds over and above manufacturing costs and honoraria for artists will go to benefit the Archive.

As for a deadline: we aim to send the project to the manufacturer by 30 September 2007.

If you wish to participate, or if you have any suggestions, please contact the Archivist.


2 March 2007

« La philosophie du svastika »

“The Philosophy of the Swastika,” Chapter 1 of Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace translated into French.

A few copies of the new limited hardcover edition of Gold in the Furnace are still available. Order yours today.


1 March 2007

„Der Ketzerkönig und die Sonnenpriesterin“

Karl N. Engs “New Order of the Sun” translated into German by Bastian Thoemmes.


27 February 2007

The Paul of Tarsus Project

Savitri Devi wrote her essay “Paul de Tarse, ou Christianisme et Juiverie” (“Paul of Tarsus, or Christianity and Jewry”) near Cairo on 18 June 1957. She published it the next year in Calcutta as an eight-page pamphlet. Although it is a minor essay, it is Savitri’s most widely reprinted and translated work, probably because it is short as well as provocative. It has been reprinted at least four times in French. There are two distinct English translations, as well as translations into German, Italian, Dutch, and (so I am told) Hungarian. (The Archive lacks copies of the Italian and Hungarian translations. We would be most grateful to anyone who can supply us with copies.)

The approaching 50th anniversary of the composition of “Paul de Tarse” seems an auspicious occasion to encourage more translations. Thus the Archive is seeking contact with translators qualified to render the original French text into any and all European languages, including but not limited to Greek, Spanish, Russian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Romanian, Finnish, Estonian, Icelandic, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, etc. Indeed, since the baleful influence of Paul now extends far beyond Europe, we would be glad to see translations into non-European languages as well. The Savitri Devi Archive will publish each translation separately online, and we will also collect the translations together in a volume in the Centennial Edition of Savitri Devi’s Works.

By a “qualified” translator, we mean an individual who is capable of accurately translating the French original into his or her native tongue. It is risky to attempt a translation from a language other than the original into a language other than one’s native tongue. Ideally, every qualified translator will also have a friend or colleague who is qualified to check and proofread the translation.

Beyond the commemoration and propagation of “Paul de Tarse,” we hope that these translations will attract a wider readership to Savitri’s writings and will perhaps pave the way for translations of more important works.

The most important works of Savitri’s to translate are The Lightning and the Sun, Souvenirs et refléxions d’une Aryenne, and And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews. The Lightning and the Sun and Souvenirs have already been translated into Spanish. Souvenirs is currently being translated into English and And Time Rolls On into German.

Prospective translators are urged to contact the Archivist.


24 February 2007

Was Savitri Devi a “Race-Mixer”?

A new letter with a reply from R. G. Fowler.


23 February 2007

Newly-discovered color photograph of Savitri Devi

Savitri Devi with Beryl Cheetham at the camp of the then-British National Party in Narford, England, May 1961. Courtesy of Beryl Cheetham.


22 February 2007

Quotations with translations from Savitri’s dear friend and comrade Saint-Loup


21 February 2007

More reactions to Gold in the Furnace

“I just received my copy [of Gold in the Furnace] this weekend and I wanted to congratulate you on a job well done. The book is an absolute treasure! The cover photo of Savitri is worth the price of the volume alone. What a beautiful book. The work that you are doing is a wonderful tribute to the memory of this great Aryan woman. As one who has been involved in 'movement' activities for many years and can now see the futility of such actions in this Kali Yuga I feel that work such as you are doing is the most vital thing that we can accomplish at this time. Keeping alive the memory of Savitri Devi and her philosophy of spirit and beauty which is true National Socialism is the noblest work of all. Once again my thanks for all of your efforts.”

“Let me congratulate on your outstanding publication of Savitri Devi's GITF. The format of this book is of
utmost quality and will be a collector's item in the not so distant future.”

“I received my copy of the new Savitri Devi book and wanted to thank you for making these editions available. Good and worthwhile work. I thought this volume very nice and will treasure it. [A mutual friend] commented that he liked your use of the original cover on the back of the dust jacket. I thought that a nice touch. I hope you plan to do the same where that is possible.”

“A very attractive and very welcome new publication of a book I first read thirty years ago from an 'underground' photocopy of the rare first edition. You are performing a real service in reviving and reissuing Savitri Devi's books.”


20 February 2007

Newly published letter by Heinrich Himmler on the Externsteine


19 February 2007

Savitri Devi, “Gedanken über Reinkarnation”

“Thoughts on Reincarnation” translated into German by Bastian Thoemmes.


17 February 2007

Review of And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews


16 February 2007

Initial reactions to Gold in the Furnace

The first batch of copies of Gold in the Furnace was mailed out on Wednesday, the 14th of February, and just today we have heard from several early recipients. Their remarks are reproduced anonymously and with the authors' permission.

“I received Gold in the Furnace today, and it really is top notch. In its editing, design, and production, it is a book worthy of the best university presses. I am glad that you preserved many of the design features of And Time Rolls On, but I see you also improved upon them subtly: the jacket has slightly more color, which is pleasing to the eye; the Black Sun effect on the front is crisper; the cover is heavier and true cloth, with a more appealing texture. I also liked your choice of photographs. Needless to say, it is a vast improvement over the shoddy Historical Review Press edition, with its missing frontispiece and pages(!). Poor Savitri! She had terrible luck with publishers and printers. If Savitri Devi's ideas finally get the attention they deserve, it will be due in no small part to the fact that she now has the publisher she deserves. Thank you. I look forward to Forever and Ever and all the subsequent books you publish.”

Gold in the Furnace arrived this afternoon! Thanks for the fast shipping. Of course I have not had time to read it, but I have had time to flip through it, and it is a handsomely produced book, definitely several notches above standard 'movement' literature. I retract my complaints about the delay. It was definitely worth the wait.”

“I received my copy of Gold in the Furnace today. Savitri would have been proud, and I hope you are proud too!”

“The book arrived today. It looks great. . . . I can hardly wait for a new edition of The Lightning and the Sun and the English translation of Souvenirs. Keep up the good work.”

“I am looking forward to reading [Gold in the Furnace] again after all these years. Just looking at it now fills me with pleasant memories of youth and young friends and comrades now old and gone.”

“Well that was fast!”

We are eager to hear your reactions to the book. Please specify if you would like us to share them (anonymously, of course) on this page.


14 February 2007

Savitri Devi, « Pensées sur la réincarnation »

“Thoughts on Reincarnation” translated into French by Arjuna.


13 February 2007

Gold in the Furnace has arrived!

And it looks beautiful. All those who have purchased copies: Thank you. If you are thinking of buying a copy, now is a good time. As of this writing there are 33 unsold copies. Also, around a dozen copies have been reserved but not yet purchased. These should be paid for soon. Eventually, if we do not hear from those who reserved them, we will place them back on sale.

The next volume in the Savitri Devi Archive’s Centennial Edition of Savitri Devi’s Works will be Forever and Ever, Savitri’s previously-unpublished book of prose poems. As soon as a publication date is determined, we will announce it on this page.


12 February 2007

Un avertissement aux Hindous:
A Warning to the Hindus
translated into French!

We are delighted to announce that a French translation of A Warning to the Hindus has just been published. Please buy a copy to support this worthy project and to encourage further translations of Savitri’s works. We recommend www.Librad.com as a particularly reliable bookseller.


9 February 2007

Gold in the Furnace

We were pleased to receive word on 8 February 2007 that the Archive’s new edition of Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace has been shipped to us. We will announce on this page when the books arrive and are ready to be shipped out to purchasers.


8 February 2007

Savitri Devi, “Thoughts on Reincarnation”

In order to give readers a better understanding of Savitri Devi’s view of reincarnation, we have collected together her remarks on the subject in her correspondence and interviews.


7 February 2007

The last chapter of Forever and Ever

The last chapter of Forever and Ever, Savitri Devi’s book of “prose poems” is entitled “1953.” We have already published a version of “1953” as Chapter 5 of And Time Rolls On. This new version, however, has a “prose” layout. There is also a “verse” version of “1953” in the typescript of Forever and Ever, which we will publish as the final installment of the book. Both versions differ slightly from the version in And Time Rolls On.


6 February 2007

German translation of “The Rocks of the Sun”

A reader from Norway was kind enough to draw our attention to a German translation of Savitri Devi’s “The Rocks of the Sun” (Chapter 9 of Pilgrimage) in the periodical Die Externsteine edited by Walther Machalett. The chapter was first published in the original English in issue no. 3 then it was translated into German in two parts and published in issues no. 6 and no. 7. The Archive has now ordered copies, and when they arrive, we will publish the German translation and give more precise bibliographical information.


5 February 2007

New letter by Savitri Devi published

We were pleased to learn of the publication of a brief letter by Savitri Devi to the late Robert Dun, the French Waffen SS volunteer and author who played an important role in the post-WW II European identitarian movement. The letter appears on page 85 of Recontres avec Robert Dun by Les Amis de Robert Dun, published by Les Amis de la Culture Européenne (Encounters with Robert Dun, by The Friends of Robert Dun, published by The Friends of European Culture). We will publish the original letter and an English translation eventually. In the meantime, we hope you will support the publisher’s worthy efforts by purchasing the book.


4 February 2007

Forever and Ever

The Archive is pleased to publish “1951,” chapter 15 of Savitri Devi’s previously unpublished book of prose poems.


3 February 2007

Sigrid Heila article on Savitri reprinted with Archive photos:

Sigrid Heila’s Italian article “Savitri Devi, Luce d’Occidente” (“Savitri Devi, Light of the West”) has been reprinted in the Italian periodical Storia del Novecento, no. 67, illustrated with eight photographs first made available to the public by the Archive. We are very pleased to see the Archive’s resources being used in an article discussing Savitri’s life and work. We encourage our readers to show support for publishing about Savitri by buying a copy.


2 February 2007

Gold in the Furnace

We are pleased to announce that the page proofs of the Archive’s new hardcover edition of Savitri Devi’s classic Gold in the Furnace (limited to 200 numbered copies) were received on January 23. They were promptly examined, and corrections were sent to the printers on January 25. We have now been informed that the book is in production and should be ready for shipment around Friday, the 9th of February.

There are 35 copies yet unreserved and two dozen reserved but not yet purchased. Now is the time to visit our bookshop and make your payment. We expect to begin shipping copies around the middle of February.


1 February 2007

New Publisher and Bookseller

We wish to commend to our readers, particularly those in Europe, a new publisher and bookseller, Integral Tradition Publishing. In addition to many works in the Traditionalist school of René Guénon and Julius Evola, their catalog includes a few scarce copies of the limited hardcover edition of And Time Rolls On, plus copies of the second and third editions of Impeachment of Man.

(They describe what I call the second edition of Impeachment as the second printing of the first edition. Judgments inevitably differ on such questions, but I prefer to classify it as a distinct edition, because it was printed more than 20 years after the first edition, because the printing quality is distinctly poorer than the first, and because the frontispiece is printed in a different place.)

News Archive: 2009, 2008, 2006